rsyslog学习6 -- The Property Replacer属性替换

The Property Replacer 属性替换

The Property Replacer 是 rsyslogd的 字符模板的核心组件,用来操纵属性值

Accessing Properties

通过两个 % 读取属性,并被修改,语法如下


Available Properties

rsyslog properties

Character Positions

FromChartoChar 用来截字串,它们代表偏移量,从1开始计数。截取前两个字符语法为: “%msg:1:2%”. 如果只使用options,冒号还是需要的。比如 “%msg:::lowercase%”. 如果要截取从某位置到末尾,设置toChar为 (“$”) (e.g. %msg:10:$%, which will extract from position 10 to the end of the string).

支持正则表达式。设置FromChar为“R”,rsyslog就会知道使用正则面不是位置参数,表达式放在toChar上,必须以“–end” 结尾。rsyslog会返回匹配的部分。比如 “%msg:R:.*Sev:. (.*) [.*–end%”

在 “R” 后还可以支持一些参数


regexp-type 可以使用 “BRE” for Posix basic regular expressions or “ERE” for extended ones. 必须要大写. 早期的版本只支持BRE。submatch指示器指示使用哪一个submatch结果,支持单数字。0表示整个匹配,1 to 9 为实际submatch. match-number 表示使用哪一个结果,从0开始。最多支持10个(数字是9)

nomatch 指示如果没有匹配将使用的值


%msg:R,ERE,1,FIELD:for (vlan[0-9]\*):--end%


%msg:R,ERE,1,FIELD,1:for (vlan[0-9]\*):--end%

强烈建议使用 rsyslog regular expression checker/generator 工具。虽然不同版本有所不同,但基本覆盖了大部分情况。

关于nomatch mode

如果没有匹配,以早期会返回“**NO MATCH**“,此模式为 DFLT


Mode Returned
BLANK “” (empty string)
ZERO “0”
FIELD full content of original field

提取也可以基于fields,将FromChar设为F。Fields以定位符分割,默认是TAB(ASCII 9),也可以自定义,例如需要用”,”作为定位符,则写成 “F,44”,44是”,”的ASCII值。用定位符比正则高效,如果消息是规则的话。Field是从1开始,如果设为0,或高于实际数量,会导致”field not found”错误。toChar上设置需要的field数,比如”%msg:F:3%”,或者用”;”分割: %msg:F,59:3%”




int n, m;
syslog(LOG_ERR, "%d test %6d", n, m);

有可能输出“1 test 2”, “1 test 23”, “1 test 234567”,空格数量不可知。可以使用以下语法

"%msg:F,32:2%" to "%msg:F,32+:2%".

Property Options


  • uppercase

    convert property to uppercase only

  • lowercase

    convert property text to lowercase only

  • fixed-width

    当原始字串长度小于toChar时填充。This feature was introduced in rsyslog 8.13.0

  • json

    将value转会json可以被解析的格式,比如将ASCII LF转为“\n”,不能和csv同存

  • jsonf[:outname]

    该属性将会被转为json,与json不同的是,json是去转化value,让其可以被json,而jsonf是将整个结果是源于 “fieldname”=”value” 这种格式。其中fieldname是参数指定,否则使用默认属性名。value可以被option操控,但field name不能,所以需要指定恰当的名字。参考 this article from Rainer’s blog 提到

    # json的模板,比较丑陋,为了生成json,相当于字段的拼接

    $template tpl, “{“message”:”%msg:::json%”,”fromhost”:”%HOSTNAME:::json%”,”facility”:”%syslogfacility-text%”,”priority”:”%syslogpriority-text%”,”timereported”:”%timereported:::date-rfc3339%”,”timegenerated”:”%timegenerated:::date-rfc3339%”}”
    # jsonf的模板,直接是从 “fieldname”=”value” 生成json

    $template tpl,”{%msg:::jsonf:message%,%HOSTNAME:::jsonf:fromhost%,%syslogfacility-text:::jsonf:facility%,%syslogpriority-text:::jsonf:priority%,%timereported:::date-rfc3339,jsonf%,%timegenerated:::date-rfc3339,jsonf%}”
    # 如果不需要改变fieldname

    $template tpl,”{%msg:::json%,%HOSTNAME:::jsonf%,%syslogfacility-text:::jsonf%,%syslogpriority-text:::jsonf%,%timereported:::date-rfc3339,jsonf%,%timegenerated:::date-rfc3339,jsonf%}”
  • csv

    根据 RFC 4180 生成csv格式。Rsyslog 总是使用双引号。 例如: $template csvline,”%syslogtag:::csv%,%msg:::csv%” ,你需要在模板中正常定义”,”的位置

  • drop-last-lf

    The last LF in the message (if any), is dropped. Especially useful for PIX.

  • date-utc

    convert data to UTC prior to outputting it (available since 8.18.0)

  • date-mysql

    format as mysql date

  • date-rfc3164

    format as RFC 3164 date,”Mmm dd hh:mm:ss”

  • date-rfc3164-buggyday

    与 date-rfc3164 相同, 在RFC 3164 如果日期为单数字,需要写入一个空格,在buggyday中,用0来代替。如果要转发消息,不建议使用这个option,有可能会被远端服务器认识是错误

  • date-rfc3339

    format as RFC 3339 date,”2013-09-12T22:50:20+08:00”

  • date-unixtimestamp

    Format as a unix timestamp (seconds since epoch)

  • date-year

    just the year part (4-digit) of a timestamp

  • date-month

    just the month part (2-digit) of a timestamp

  • date-day

    just the day part (2-digit) of a timestamp

  • date-hour

    just the hour part (2-digit, 24-hour clock) of a timestamp

  • date-minute

    just the minute part (2-digit) of a timestamp

  • date-second

    just the second part (2-digit) of a timestamp

  • date-subseconds

    just the subseconds of a timestamp (always 0 for a low precision timestamp)

  • date-tzoffshour

    just the timezone offset hour part (2-digit) of a timestamp

  • date-tzoffsmin

    just the timezone offset minute part (2-digit) of a timestamp. Note that this is usually 0, but there are some time zones that have offsets which are not hourly-granular. If so, this is the minute offset.

  • date-tzoffsdirection

    just the timezone offset direction part of a timestamp. This specifies if the offsets needs to be added (“+”) or subtracted (“-“) to the timestamp in order to get UTC.

  • date-ordinal

    returns the ordinal for the given day, e.g. it is 2 for January, 2nd

  • date-week

    returns the week number

  • date-wday

    just the weekday number of the timstamp. This is a single digit, with 0=Sunday, 1=Monday, …, 6=Saturday.

  • date-wdayname

    just the abbreviated english name of the weekday (e.g. “Mon”, “Sat”) of the timestamp.

  • escape-cc

    replace control characters (ASCII value 127 and values less then 32) with an escape sequence. The sequence is “#” where charval is the 3-digit decimal value of the control character. For example, a tabulator would be replaced by “#009”. Note: using this option requires that $EscapeControlCharactersOnReceive is set to off.

  • space-cc

    replace control characters by spaces Note: using this option requires that $EscapeControlCharactersOnReceive is set to off.

  • drop-cc

    drop control characters - the resulting string will neither contain control characters, escape sequences nor any other replacement character like space. Note: using this option requires that $EscapeControlCharactersOnReceive is set to off.

  • compressspace

    compresses multiple spaces (US-ASCII SP character) inside the string to a single one. This compression happens at a very late stage in processing. Most importantly, it happens after substring extraction, so the FromChar and ToChar positions are NOT affected by this option. (available since v8.18.0)

  • sp-if-no-1st-sp


    看不懂这个解释也很正常,反正忘掉它就好 ;)

  • secpath-drop

    Drops slashes inside the field (e.g. “a/b” becomes “ab”). Useful for secure pathname generation (with dynafiles).

  • secpath-replace

    Replace slashes inside the field by an underscore. (e.g. “a/b” becomes “a_b”). Useful for secure pathname generation (with dynafiles).

要使用多个options,只要简单的用”,”连接它们,比如“escape-cc,sp-if-no-1st-sp”,如果选项有冲突,后者会覆盖前者,比如 “escape-cc,drop-cc” will use drop-cc and “drop-cc,escape-cc” will use escape-cc mode.
